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How does Crack Every Test help make your MBA Prep Easier ?

We offer a highly effective tutoring for various MBA entrance exams with our student centric approach which has led to us achieving best-in-industry results for multiple years now.

Highly Acclaimed Mentoring from CET Toppers

One to One Mentoring Sessions

High Quality Mock Tests and Books for your practice

Personalized Study Plan For Each Student

Best Study Material And Mock Tests

Learn with Crack Every Test

Get Trained By Experts & Professionals around the World

Live Lectures

Learn with top educators with proven results.

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Test Series

Highly rated Mock tests designed as per latest syllabus and paper pattern.

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Recorded Lectures

You can view recordings of live lectures for revision.

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Personalised Preparation

One to One counselling to mentor you in the way you can learn the best.

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Popular Courses

Discover Your Perfect Program In Our Courses.

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Discover Your Perfect Program In Our Courses.

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Learn from Anywhere

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(Available on Android, iOS and Website)


What Our Students Have To Say

Know what our students have to say about our unique way of mentorship and how it helped them boost their scores in a short amount of time.

{% for testimonial in all_testimonial %}
{% if testimonial.image != "NULL" %} students-review {% else %} students-profile {% endif %}



{% endfor %}

About The Founder

Jigar Parekh, a JBIMS alumnus himself, has been actively involved in training 2000+ students for MBA entrance exams. He Specialises in teaching how to ace various B-School exams with his unique methods and exam strategies which have helped many students optimize their exam prep in a very short time span.

Apart from being a teacher, Jigar is also a guitarist, a life-long student and a social worker always trying to best the student interest across various platforms. He is always open to solving students’ doubts and helping them prepare for their future.

What The Course Offers

Crack Every Test is Perfect Solution for your Needs

Remarkable Shortcuts

Remarkable Shortcuts

Special shortcuts and tricks to make sure you have the speed required.

Topper's Strategies

Topper's Strategies

Detailed strategy to ensure you sail through the exam with the best scores.

Mock Test Analysis

Mock Test Analysis

Specialised lecture on mock test analysis with a detailed analysis sheet.

Access to Lecture Recordings

Access to Lecture Recordings

All students get recordings of lectures conducted for future reference and revision.

Direct Contact with Faculty

Direct Contact with Faculty

Direct contact with the faculty for any preparation related doubts to make sure you do your best.


Highly Active Doubt Solving Group

A dedicated doubts solving community where all your sums related doubts are cleared.

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